Devotion for August 20, 2021

“Having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith.” (Romans 5:1-2 NKJV)

Many people want peace. Many paths promise peace — various techniques and lifestyles. But this proves an elusive goal even among believers. Many try to live a good life, go to church, and read the Bible but still seem plagued by worry and fear. Paul wanted us to realize that God offers a peace that passes understanding and “exceeds anything we can understand” (Philippians 4:7 NLT).

We can’t work to receive this peace. We can’t be good enough or earn it. We can have this peace simply because of what Jesus has done for us. When we have a relationship with God based on faith, we have a different attitude. We no longer strive or need to carry burdens. We can rest in God with confidence. Freed from worry, we can trust Him.

If we have peace with God and are justified by faith, we can know Him and talk with Him anytime about anything! The Bible assures us that God wants to have an intimate relationship with you. He wants to take away your burdens and give you peace. Just think about all Jesus has done for you. He died, so you might have eternal life and be forgiven, to give you access to God.

Spend time today talking with God. Tell Him every detail of your concerns and worries. Trust His Word. And let His peace flood your heart and life.


Father, I commit these issues to You: _______. I trust You. Thank You for giving me peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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