Category: Daily Devotions

  • Devotion for June 3, 2024

    Devotion for June 3, 2024

    “Have faith in God! If you have faith in God and don’t doubt, you can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. Everything you ask for in prayer will be yours, if you only have faith.” (Mark 11:22-24, CEV) Faith opens the door to miracles. If you study…

  • Devotion for June 2, 2024

    Devotion for June 2, 2024

    “Lord, take notice of the threats they have made, and allow us, your servants, to speak your message with all boldness.” (Acts 4:29, GNT) We all have fears. Too often, though, we let them rule over our lives; we let them stop us from taking a stand for what we know God wants us to…

  • Devotion for June 1, 2024

    Devotion for June 1, 2024

    “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom.” (Luke 12:32) A particular teacher would start each school term by giving every student in the class an A. Only when students were not working to the best of their ability or their attitude toward learning was not…

  • Devotion for May 31, 2024

    Devotion for May 31, 2024

    “If you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive the wrongs you have done.” (Matthew 6:15, GNT) If you are unwilling to forgive someone and you don’t want God to forgive them either, that reveals bitterness and resentment in your life. If you want someone else to be punished but you expect…

  • Devotion for May 30, 2024

    Devotion for May 30, 2024

    “Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” (Luke 12:25,31) Are you a member of the 4am club? Perhaps you haven’t heard of it. The club is for those members who regularly wake up around 4am…

  • Devotion for May 29, 2024

    Devotion for May 29, 2024

    “My thoughts are not like your thoughts. Your ways are not like my ways.” (Isaiah 55:8, NCV) Life is full of interruptions. Sometimes we have big plans — for a career, family, or ministry — but God takes our lives in a different direction. When our plans and God’s plans don’t match up, we often…

  • Devotion for May 28, 2024

    Devotion for May 28, 2024

    “The Lord … is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” (2 Peter 3:9, NLT) God only uses imperfect, broken people. If God only used perfect people, nothing would get done because perfect people don’t exist! If you’re willing to be used by God,…

  • Devotion for May 27, 2024

    Devotion for May 27, 2024

    “Since we are God’s coworkers, we urge you not to let God’s kindness be wasted on you.” (2 Corinthians 6:1, GW) When God gives you another chance to fulfill your mission in life, seize it. Don’t waste it. It’s the time to focus on God’s unique calling for your life. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians…

  • Devotion for May 26, 2024

    Devotion for May 26, 2024

    “Woe to you experts in the law, because you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered, and you have hindered those who were entering.” (Luke 11:52) It’s not a popular thing, is it, to deliver the bad news? Of course, that’s an oversimplification. We might discuss law and gospel; one…