Category: Daily Devotions

  • Devotion for July 9, 2024

    Devotion for July 9, 2024

    “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” (Psalm 34:18, NIV) We’ve all had our heart broken in some way — maybe by disappointment, fear, shame, rejection, or ridicule. I would say to you, as your friend, that I’m sorry your heart has been broken. I really am.…

  • Devotion for July 8, 2024

    Devotion for July 8, 2024

    “Who gave you this authority?” (Luke 20:2b) Read Luke 20:1–8 for context. Jesus is questioned by the chief priests, teachers of the law and elders about the authority of His words and actions. And in response, Jesus refers to another part of His story: To John. John was born for a purpose and chosen by…

  • Devotion for July 7, 2024

    Devotion for July 7, 2024

    “Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.” (1 Peter 4:19) The final attitude we should have in facing trials and sufferings is that of entrusting ourselves to God. Geoffrey Bull epitomizes the modern-day believer who entrusts his entire…

  • Devotion for July 6, 2024

    Devotion for July 6, 2024

    “Look, I’m standing at the door and knocking. If anyone listens to my voice and opens the door, I’ll come in and we’ll eat together.” (Revelation 3:20, GW) God gave you a heart, and He has placed in you passions, desires, and dreams. But unless they are under His control, they will be misused, they…

  • Devotion for July 5, 2024

    Devotion for July 5, 2024

    “It is written, my house shall be a house of prayer.” (Luke 19:46a) Read Luke 19:41–48 for context. The devotion text for today highlights three main points. Firstly, Jesus’ sorrow regarding the state of Jerusalem and the apparent lack of peace. Secondly, the suffering that is to come upon the people. And, thirdly, the sacredness…

  • Devotion for July 4, 2024

    Devotion for July 4, 2024

    “But [the expert in the law] wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, ‘Who then is my neighbour?’” (Luke 10:29) Read Luke 10:25–37 for full story. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The expert asks a masterful question; the Master responds expertly. This scenario is pure Jesus and a masterclass on engaging…

  • Devotion for July 3, 2024

    Devotion for July 3, 2024

    “We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10, NLT) The reason you have value is because of what God says about you, not because of what other people say about you. Many people lack self-esteem. They…

  • Devotion for July 2, 2024

    Devotion for July 2, 2024

    “I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live.” (Psalm 104:33) Read Psalm 104:24–35. The recommended reading for today is Psalm 104:24–34,35b. That immediately made me think, why leave out part of one verse (Psalm 104:35a)? The “offending” passage is: “But may sinners…

  • Devotion for July 1, 2024

    Devotion for July 1, 2024

    The twelve apostles included “Philip” (Matthew 10:3). Friendships can provide the most fertile soil for evangelism. Philip was probably a fisherman and acquainted with Peter, Andrew, James, John, Nathanael, and Thomas prior to their all becoming disciples. We first meet him in John 1:43-46, which says, “The next day [after Jesus encountered Peter and Andrew],…