Devotion for April 23, 2020

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

I don’t know what’s on your heart. I don’t know what you believe. As you read John 3:16, which is probably the most well known verse of the Bible, I don’t know what comes to your mind.

What I do know is that the world we live in is full of pain and strife. Just this morning on the news I saw images of chaos and violence — again. The world that God created good is not the way it’s supposed to be and that’s because of human sin. I’m quite sure you see evidence of that in the world around you and in your own life too.

What I want you to know is that as I write this meditation, I am praying for you. It is my prayer that you will hear the good news of John 3:16 and know it is for you. God loves you deeply. It was for you that Christ Jesus came to earth. It was for you that he went the way of the cross. For you Christ broke the bonds of death and arose on the third day. For you he reigns and will one day return. I pray that you will know this good news deep in your heart.

When we know the truth, we cannot keep quiet. This news is meant to be shared.

Friends, live gratefully and tell the good news!

Eternal God, you are the beginning and the end. You hold this world in love. You hold my life in your hands. Inspire me to share the good news and to live with joy and thanks. In the healing name of Jesus, Amen.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike


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