Devotion for March 21, 2020

First: Read and pray through Psalm 51 as Confession and Absolution

“One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him.” Luke 17:15-16

Ten men with leprosy met Jesus. They had a skin disease, and they were not allowed to live with healthy-skinned people unless they were cured. Jesus healed all ten of the men, and they were able to return to the company of other people. Once again, this is a story of Jesus’ great healing power.

This particular story, though, includes an unusual detail. After finding that he was healed, one of the ten men came back to Jesus. He was so grateful to be healed that he shouted praise to God and threw himself at Jesus’ feet. Jesus welcomed and praised this man as someone who truly knew how to praise God, even though the man was a Samaritan, an outsider who wasn’t supposed to know much about God and faith. Jesus also asked, “Where are the other nine?”, and we are left wondering how thankful they were.

By praising the man who said thank-you, Jesus shows us that receiving healing is best when it flows into a life of thanking and praising God. It’s one thing to receive salvation from Jesus, and it’s an even better thing to live out our appreciation for that salvation by sharing Jesus’ love with the world.

Especially in the Coronavirus pandemic into which we have all been thrust let gratitude take root in your heart and life as you praise Jesus for all he has done for you. Approach Jesus on behalf of your family, friends, and neighbors.

God, stir us to see how much you have done for us, and to be truly thankful. Thank you especially for the salvation and new life you give us in Jesus. Amen.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike


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