Devotion for May 2, 2020

“All the believers were together and had everything in common.” Acts 2:44

I love the idea of community. And because of this COVID-19 we have discovered new ways to have community. We have stay at home orders and are isolated, so we spend more time with family praying and playing together.

As Redeemer Lutheran people, our community uses the best of technology for video conference bible studies and sermons, and this continues building community. We continue serving others in our church by phone contact or checking on our neighbors and telling them that we’re praying for them. In this, we are building community.

The the early church, described in Acts 2, is a great example of this as well. Whatever the believers did, they did it together and built community in the process. From the big things in life to the small things, they did them together and learned about who they were and who God is at the same time.

Being part of a community is important. It gives us the opportunity to be honest and vulnerable. To build others up as we are being built up. To discover our gifts and talents as we help others do the same. To learn from others as they learn from us. And to see a larger picture of who God is in the world around us and in ourselves.

Father, help us on this journey of life learning together as we think about community. In Jesus, Amen.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike

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