Devotion for May 20, 2020

“The Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.” Romans 8:15

The apostle Paul uses the Roman concept of adoption to describe our relationship to God. Adoption in the Roman culture was total and complete. The adoptee was a full child and heir. No distinction was made after the adoption was finalized. Paul uses that analogy for us so that we can understand we are completely and totally God’s sons and daughters.

During this time of isolation we miss many things. We are people who need fellowship and closeness with one another. We were forced into meeting on the internet social media platforms as a substitute. Thank God we have the capability of such systems and the sites are seeing exponential visits. But, it will be good to be back to — gether (I social distanced the word) again.

To belong is also a christian concept for another kind of family, the Church.

The Community of the family of God is the same way. Not only are we completely daughters and sons of God belonging to him, but we also belong to each other as children of God and siblings of Christ. Community is where we belong as adopted sons and daughters of God!

Father, help us to see ourselves and each other as brothers and sisters in Christ and as your sons and daughters. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike

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