Devotion for May 27, 2020

“When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.” (1 Kings 19:13)

Connections are very important to most people. And when we lose those connections whether in marriage, family, friendship, work, church, death, etc..we experience loneliness and a sense of loss. But the Holy Spirit remains with us and will find ways to reboot our lives into a new direction.

God is present in big things, and God is also present in the small, mundane, and quiet things of life. God does huge miracles, saves countless people, and heals debilitating diseases. God also watches over us in our weakest times and knows the minute details of our lives. God is present in the whispers of our lives when it seems as if no one is there and nothing matters.

Community is similar. It isn’t just present in the big and life-changing moments. It isn’t just present in huge groups. It is present in the quiet, little things of life too. Sometimes we aren’t even looking for it, and it just shows up. It is present in quiet conversations over coffee, in small game nights, in family meals, or in a garage as friends work on a car.

What small moments do you find community in? Maybe when you look for community in those situations, you’ll see it all around you.

Lord, help us to notice the small moments of community we can have with others and with you. Amen.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike

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