Devotion for April 17, 2024

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)

Do you get tired from constantly being with people? Or what about those constant interruptions and meetings that keep you away from your to-do list? If you are a parent or a carer, are there times when you just want to be left alone to sit quietly without interruption to have a cup of coffee and read the paper or reflect?

This is the second reference this week to Jesus withdrawing to a lonely place to pray. How truly human! After being surrounded by people seeking to be healed, Jesus took Himself off to pray.

We also see a seemingly revitalized Jesus once again teaching and healing and showing His godliness by offering forgiveness to the man who was lowered down through the roof to be healed. I wonder what it was like for that man and his mates? They arrive at the house where Jesus is teaching. He’s not just teaching ordinary people. This time, He is with Pharisees and teachers of the law. The group of friends arrive — imagine their disappointment when they see the crowds spilling out of the house! However, someone in the group was not deterred by that. I can almost see him sussing out the situation, walking around, studying the house, scratching his head, and then coming back to his friends and saying: “I reckon, if we go up the stairs to the roof, we can easily remove some of the tiles, and let him down in front of Jesus. I’ve figured out which tiles we need to shift. Come on. It’s worth it to have Jesus heal him.”

Jesus demonstrates His divinity by forgiving the man’s sins. How good is that! Can you imagine the relief of having Jesus utter those words to you in person? “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

But wait! Isn’t that what happens for us each time we share in the confession and absolution? We hear those blessed words: “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace.”

Let’s be like the man who was healed and head for home from church praising God — a God who came down to be among us and is truly human and truly divine.


Lord, I thank You for the gift of Your Son, and I thank You for the forgiveness He has brought to all of us. Increase my faith as I live out each day, strengthened by the promises You have made. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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