Devotion for April 21, 2022

“I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides me there is no god. I arm you, though you do not know me.” (Isaiah 45:5)

Oh no! Petrol prices are enormous. House prices are beyond saving for. Food prices are restrictive. Seas are rising. Cattle are causing too much carbon. It’s too dry. We’ve had too much rain. There are too many patients waiting. I don’t like wearing masks. When can we fly on planes and go on cruises without risk? It’s all too much!

Remember God? Try Isaiah 44:24, “I am the Lord, your saviour, I am the Lord, the Creator of all things — when I made the earth, no-one helped me.”

Everything we have or have access to was made by God — light, darkness, the air we breathe, rain, and personal strength — even though we don’t always recognise it. All of this comes from God and is good.

Someone once asked whether Christians are allowed to drink wine or beer. Well, yes. It’s our abuse of it and any other creation that is the problem. God gives us the responsibility to use and manage what he has provided, and our failure to do that separates us from his generosity.

Next time we are in a conversation — about the weather, our health or wealth, politics, governance or our church — bring God into the equation, list the blessings and promises that he gives, and remember to get on with life trusting God.


Lord, thank you for our belief; forgive our unbelief. Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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