Devotion for April 21, 2024

“He said to them, ‘Come and you will see’.” (John 1:39a)

The passage for this meditation tells us about two disciples who began to follow Jesus for their own reasons. But then Jesus asked them, “What do you want?” Their answer was far from profound, but Jesus gave them a simple invitation, “Come and see”.

That invitation is an invitation for a journey with Jesus. It is not a simple journey to undergo only spiritual experiences, but an invitation to respond to Jesus’ call throughout the whole of life. From the enthusiasm of youth to the maturity of old age, the discipleship of Jesus makes obedience to the master’s call the central priority — a special journey of discipleship formation.

When Jesus began to call his disciples, they already knew what kind of person He was (John 1:35–41). They already knew He was inviting them for a purpose, and they were willing to follow Him even though they did not understand the meaning of the invitation. Jesus told Peter and John to leave their fishing business and “fish for men” — to help others come to Jesus. Jesus was calling them away from their productive trades to be productive spiritually. It is a call to journey into a complete transformation of life witnessing to the gospel. The gospel is like a net, lifting people from dark waters into the light of day and transforming their lives.

This invitation begins with asking ourselves, “What am I seeking?” To follow Christ for our own purposes would be asking Christ to follow us — to align with us, to support us and advance our cause, not His. Christ’s invitation is a journey of radical transformation that affects our job, our lifestyle, our values, our goals, or aspects of our beliefs. Although it took time for Jesus’ call and His message to get through, the disciples followed.

In the same way, we may question and falter, but we must never stop following Jesus. As we journey through this season, take a moment to pause and reflect. What are you really seeking? Will you commit to seeking Jesus and continuing to journey with Him?


Lord, what I want is to have You in my life, guiding and strengthening me each and every day. Let me love for You, and the ministry we live through, bring glory to Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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