Devotion for April 24, 2024

“Your will be done.” (Matthew 26:42b).

Could you surrender everything you love and submit completely to God’s will?

Christ’s will was undoubtedly good, yet He surrendered this in order that God’s will be carried out. In His sinless human nature, before He was beaten and tortured, Jesus knew how He was going to be treated. He knew that His body would bear the wrath of God against the sins of the world. When, in the Garden of Gethsemane, He, therefore, asked His father if there was any way out (to remove the cup) but added, “Not what I want but what You want” (Matthew 26:39). The cup was not taken away from Jesus, but He was given strength to take it and drink it until it was empty.

It is from Christ’s example that we too are transformed to live. Just like Jesus, there may be things that we want to do or do not want to do which are not or are God’s will. Our own sinful will, never free of evil, is at war with God’s will. It is therefore imperative that if God’s will is to prevail, we must look upon God as so gracious and us so genuinely accepted by Him, that we allow His graciousness to overflow from us.

Confessing our sin and inclination to selfishness, we cannot know or do God’s will by our own strength. We therefore need to ardently and earnestly pray that the Holy Spirit will give us help and mercy, forgiving our shortcomings and transforming our hearts so that we can discern what God’s will is for us. And then to submit to His will.

Jesus’ example teaches us to pray that God’s will be done because as we do so, we are asking for God’s direction in our lives. For when we follow Him with gladness, He will lead us in a life of joy and hope and a life without fear.


Father, I have committed sin and not followed Your Word. Forgive me, have mercy on me, and lead me onto the path of righteousness so that I may joyfully follow You the rest of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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