Devotion for April 29, 2024

“[The woman] began to wet His feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. (Luke 7:38)

Yesterday, we considered how Jesus’ light shone into a dark place — the prison where John the Baptist was held. Jesus didn’t need to visit John to shine light into his dark place but sent words of hope and encouragement through John’s followers.

Today, we hear a story of a woman whose life was turned around by the light of Jesus shining into her heart. We don’t know how or where this happened. Possibly, Jesus healed her on another occasion. Maybe she heard Jesus preach and repented. Or perhaps she was drawn toward Jesus’ light from a distance, curious to know more. Do you know someone whose call to follow Jesus came from out of the blue with no physical connection to the church or its people? It’s quite encouraging to know that God can make Christians without our help!

Today, I invite you to consider the revealing light that preceded the healing light — the light that convinced the woman in today’s story that she needed a Savior. Proper light changes perspectives. Proper light allows us to see more clearly what is seen and what is imagined.

Satan is not only working in the darkness, and the shadows, but he masquerades himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14). The Holy Spirit through the Word illuminates truth from error.

We all have things buried deeply in our hearts. We each have blind spots to certain sins. Some churches use a prayer of confession that refers to “the sins to which my heart has become accustomed”. These are our blind spots.

But when the time is right, Jesus shines light into these dark places through the Holy Spirit. God is kind and gentle and doesn’t illuminate all our sins at once. But when God reveals, God also restores and heals us so that we continue to become new creations, reflecting God’s light just like the woman in today’s story.

How and where is Jesus offering you healing and forgiveness today?


Father, I ask for Your forgiveness and healing for my sins. I cannot find my own way without Your love and guidance, so I ask You to walk with me and help me to see the joy in life Your promises give. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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