Devotion for April 30, 2024

“After this, Jesus travelled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.” (Luke 8:1a)

I love how often we hear announcements in the gospel books that the kingdom of God (or the kingdom of heaven) has come near.
If Jesus’ individual miracles shine like the stars, these expansive statements can shine like the moon into our darkness.

At one level, it seems to me that the “kingdom of God” is hard to define because it means nothing and everything about Jesus’ earthly ministry and God’s plan of salvation for humankind. Sometimes, as Christians, our ideas of how the kingdom of God should look can even divide us.

It’s like a mountain that looks a little different from various angles, and it’s hard to grasp or define its exact shape. But every story of healing — every teaching — helps us build a picture of what the “kingdom of God” looks like.

So, too, as Christians today, we long to see God’s kingdom come in our world. As we witness wars and other conflicts, family trauma, natural disasters and general needs, the darkness threatens to be overwhelming.

But now, as always, God’s kingdom is revealed one story, one interaction at a time. Even when it seems dark, we can have the confidence to walk the way God leads. We can trust that God has many ways to orchestrate healing and restoration in our world and that God’s Spirit enables us each to play our part.

Like the sower in today’s reading, we can sow generously and accept our failures hopefully. Like Jesus’ followers in today’s reading, we have no light of our own. We stay close to Jesus so we can reflect his light as we go.


Lord, be with me throughout my day, guiding me with Your love and mercy. Let my life be a reflection of the promises that You have made to Your children. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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