Devotion for August 17, 2023

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18)

Psalm 145 gives us a glimpse into God’s character. The psalmist here is giving thanks to God, marvelling over God’s greatness, and returning blessings to God in prayer. It is no small thing to know who God is, what he is like, and what he thinks about us and the whole of his creation. As the post-Christian West continues to distance itself from the church, more and more people are growing up without the knowledge that the God who created the universe loves and cares for them in a way that gives life hope and ultimate meaning.

This psalm shares with God’s people about God’s goodness. The psalmist writes that God is gracious and merciful, full of power and the ruler of his glorious kingdom; the Lord is faithful and kind; the Lord preserves and raises up those who are brought low and feeds everyone who looks to him for their needs to be met; God provides for everyone who calls on the Lord in truth and cares for those who know, fear and trust in him.

Like the psalmist, we can give thanks to God for revealing himself to his people of old and us in the person of Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has given us access to his goodness and mercy so that our prayers rise to the Father coupled with those of his very own Son. When we find ourselves afflicted and brought low in our life, we can know who we are and rest secure in God’s merciful hand. We know who we can turn to, cry to and call upon whenever we need help.

Pray like the psalmist and live with God. In Christ, who is truth, God our Heavenly Father hears our prayers as his own dearly loved child. We have nothing to fear because, in Christ, God’s everlasting and glorious kingdom is ours. Knowing this and trusting in God’s promises, we know that anything we suffer in this life cannot be compared to the glorious splendour of everlasting life with God that has already begun.


Father, be with me in Your love and grace, guiding me through my day, and giving me peace knowing that Your promises provide my hope for eternal life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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