Devotion for August 18, 2020

“Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus … let us draw near to God …” (Hebrews 10:19-22)

In other religions, drawing near to God is not considered easy — or even allowed. In the Jewish tradition, to enter into the Most Holy Place was forbidden. Only the high priest could do that — and only once a year.

Many people have a view of God as an angry God. To even think about drawing near to God is not something they want to do.

That’s because, deep down, we know we have done wrong. We are sinners. Our lives are stained with sin. We have offended the God who made us and loves us and wants us to have a full life. What’s more, God is holy and perfect, and on our own we cannot stand before him.

But because of Christ’s work on the cross, he opens the way for us to be forgiven and to have new life with God. Jesus has made it possible for us to have a direct connection with God, and that is through himself.

So here we have the encouragement to not only think about drawing near to God but to have the confidence to do so. Having confidence is being assured that we are doing the right thing.

Because of Jesus, because of his finished work to atone for our sins, we can approach God and draw near to him in full assurance of faith.

Lord God, thank you for giving us the confidence to approach you, because of Jesus, knowing that you love us and want full life for us. Through Christ, Amen.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike

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