Devotion for August 2, 2024

“This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress.” (James 1:27)

Recently a local newspaper reported the story of a young woman who had been brutally beaten, sexually assaulted, repeatedly stabbed, then dumped down a hillside and left for dead. Miraculously she survived the attack and crawled up the hill to a spot along the road where several people were parked enjoying the panoramic view of the city.

Covered with blood from head to foot, she went from car to car pleading for help, only to have one person after another roll up their windows and drive away. No one wanted to get involved. Finally someone came to her rescue and took her to a hospital where she was treated for her wounds. The article went on to describe the anger of her rescuer toward those who turned their backs on the woman’s cries for help.

That tragic story illustrates the lack of compassion that is so prevalent in our society. Many people won’t become involved — even when the lives of others are at stake. They’re unwilling to risk personal injury or inconvenience, or perhaps they’re just complacent and insensitive.

That should never be true of Christians! Jesus showed great compassion to those with special needs, and He expects us to do the same.

Just as James used the tongue to represent a pure heart (v. 26), so he uses widows and orphans to represent pure love. “To visit” means to bring love, pity, and care to them. Widows and orphans are an especially needy segment within the church. As such, they represent all who are destitute and unable to repay your kindness.

Let your love be sacrificial. Give with no intention of receiving anything in return. Generously invest your time and resources in ministering to those who have no resources of their own. That’s the essence of true religion!

Is there someone in your neighborhood or church whom you can help today? Ask God for wisdom and discernment on how you might best demonstrate His love to that person.

For Further Study: Read Exodus 22:22-24; Deuteronomy 14:28-29; Psalm 68:5; Acts 6:1-6; and 1 Timothy 5:3-16, noting God’s provisions for widows and orphans.


Lord, fill me with compassion to help those in need. Let my words and actions be acceptable in Your sight, and let everything I do be a reflection of my love for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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