Devotion for August 21, 2023

“Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. ‘You of little faith,’ he said, ‘why did you doubt?’” (Matthew 14:31)

In the middle of a terrible storm, Jesus calls Peter to walk to Him on top of the water. At first, one step follows the other for Peter. But then Peter takes his eyes off Jesus, and he begins to look at the waves, and immediately he sinks and cries out, “Save me Lord!” I just picture him taking a big breath as his head goes under and his hand strains up. And it’s Jesus who immediately grabs him and lifts him up.

And then comes the statement and this question from Jesus, “You have little faith. Why did you doubt me?”

How many times have you cried out to the Lord in a crazed panic only to discover that the problem wasn’t the wind and waves, but instead was weak faith. Too often we are worried about the size of the storm and fail to take seriously the size of faith and trust in Jesus.

You will always find this to be true: When your faith gets small, your fear gets big.

Jesus carries Peter and climbs back into the boat and notices that it is only then that the storm stops. It’s at that point that Peter and the disciples exclaim, “You really are the Son of God!”

Wondering … where are you right now?

Are you in the storm and in the boat trying just to survive? Or are you in the boat and you have just heard Jesus call for you to come out to Him on the water?

Are you about to take that first step of faith at Jesus’ invitation? Or are you actually on the water already, you’re in the middle of a storm?

Have you started sinking as you reason and logic it all out? Or does Jesus have a hold of you and is now asking you the question, “Why did you doubt me?” Or are you back in the boat with the storm over?

No matter where you are, Jesus is with you. You can trust in His promise to never leave you. You can trust in His invitation to step out in faith toward Him. You can believe His strength and protection is enough in any storm. So believe actively, remain calm, and keep sailing — or walking!

This is discipleship. Following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and committing to the mission of Jesus.


Lord, lift me up when my faith is weak. Your promises to me are true; strengthen my love for You each and every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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