Devotion for August 6, 2024

” … I wrote about all that Jesus began to do and to teach until the day He was taken up to heaven, after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to the apostles He had chosen.” (Acts 1:1, 2)

Read Acts 1:1–14

I wonder if we really have much idea of what Jesus meant when He said to his apostles that they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit. I wonder if our understanding is far too small or limited.

After His resurrection, Jesus spoke a lot with His early disciples about the Kingdom of God. His words were like seeds; they carried life. They were given through the Holy Spirit. The growth that comes will look different to the seed it has come from, but God has given it the capacity to produce a hundredfold.

Yet the apostles needed to wait in Jerusalem until they received God’s power when the Holy Spirit came to them personally. It’s like those seeds needed to wait in the soil (picture language) of their hearts for the conditions required for them to strike. Then it’s the power of God by the Holy Spirit who causes the seed to swell, burst open and strike forth new plant growth.

This new growth is kingdom-of-God thinking, changing our hearts, renewing our minds, transforming us one day at a time! And, even as you read this, the Holy Spirit’s power is at work, giving new insight and understanding. The plant is sending up new growth as it also sends down roots that anchor the plant and absorb the nutrients it needs! This picture language can help us recognize and creatively receive what the Lord is working in us.

It’s the very same Holy Spirit who gives us the power to be witnesses to Jesus wherever we are. Do we expect to move with Him in His power, or do we focus on our inadequacies and, thereby, nullify His power to be at work in us? It’s healthy for us to consider these challenges prayerfully. Of ourselves, we do NOT have the power to be witnesses to Jesus. But do we believe Jesus’ words? Do we trust the Holy Spirit to lead us, to empower us?


Lord, continue to change my heart, through Your Holy Spirit, to give me new understanding into Your Word. Let that understanding make me a better child in Your family, and with the love and mercy You have shown, reach out to others who don’t know You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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