Devotion for August 7, 2021

“And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)

I guarantee if you are reading this, at some point in your life you’ve encountered a setback. I’m willing to bet you have encountered resistance as you’ve tried to put out fires, make things happen, or set out to accomplish your goals.

Breathe deeply! You are not alone!

We all experience this. It’s part of life! But what continues to amaze me, especially after a couple of decades of intentionally trying to follow Jesus, is how often the source of the setback is not external, but internal. It amazes me how often we find ourselves operating with narratives about God, each other, or even the world around us that simply aren’t true.

This is where the Pharisees found themselves in Jesus’ day. They clearly saw things differently than Jesus did. In John 8, they reply to Jesus saying, “You are making claims about yourself! Such testimony is not valid.” (Verse 13) A debate ignites and eventually Jesus is drawn to speak to his disciples saying, “You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.” If this happens, he goes on to say “… you will know the truth and the truth will set you free!”

Almost daily I find I’ve wandered from this truth not in action, but in my thinking. So often I’m prone to stress and worry because I find myself thinking the tasks of the day are my responsibility alone. Sometimes I find myself caught up in the lie that what the world promises us will truly bring us joy and abundant life, but so often when the truth is revealed, I am reminded Jesus’ truth is deeper and better. It prevails without question and is worth building our lives upon.

Pray through these questions:

  1. How do you tend to respond when trouble comes your way?
  2. What connections can you make between your thought patterns and your responses?
  3. What truth do you need to hear from Jesus today?
  4. Where can you share that truth with another person who would be blessed to hear it?

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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