Devotion for December 11, 2024

“Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galatians 5:25)

Advent is the season of waiting. In this season, do you have times when you find yourself reflecting on matters and experiences of faith? My Advent weeks are chaotic, but over recent years, I’ve been blessed by using reflective practice to give me a space to slow down for a bit, often, and take intentional time to be prayerful. Within these are spaces of ease and difficulty as I sit with God. Regardless of this, I continually find engaging in prayerful reflection on my own journey precious.

Hearkening to the mystery of our Triune God helps me arrive at Christmas more deeply connected and in awe of God’s incomparable love for me as gifted in Jesus. It, in part, underpins the joy in my celebration of Christmas! During these weeks, reflective practice and prayer help me to “live by the Spirit” and perhaps know more of what it is to be “in step with the Spirit”. I know it helps me in my practice and experience of — and connection to — my faith.

This Scripture spoke right into my human condition when I wrote this reflection. The following verse says, “Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other” (verse 26). I can recall times when I have internally become conceited and then my outward behaviours have become a blend of provoking and envying others, coupled with trying not to! It’s a miserable space and usually robs me of my peace and joy.

I see from these verses that to live by the Spirit and be in step with the Spirit is enabled by not becoming conceited, provoking and envying others. This means I must continually check my heart to catch my conceit when it is young — before it’s grown and recruited provocation and envy come into the mix.

Perhaps you have a way to do this also. However you keep your heart and mind focused on Christ to live by and in step with the Spirit, may you continue in it. My sense of God’s Spirit being real in my moment-to-moment is most complete when my mind and heart are not bound in conceit and envy. Until we are with Jesus for always, may we be helped by the Holy Spirit to live in the beautiful, profound mystery of life, where we know and are in step with the Spirit of God.


Lord, I thank You for the presence of the Holy Spirit in my chaotic, human life. Let Your Spirit guide me on my walk, leading me to the still waters of Your love, mercy and grace, and let my walk always reflect You to those I meet.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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