Devotion for December 12, 2024

“Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” (Philippians 2:2)

The season of “Joy to the World the Lord is Come”.

What is it like to have “joy complete”? It seems that Paul shows that an experience in a faith community of being like-minded, of the same love and being one in spirit and mind makes for joy in its completeness. Sometimes, I have found this — it’s been a rich experience! I hope you’ve had this also. So, joy in community is beautiful. I crave this to be a common experience. As I find myself thirsty for joyous community, I find myself thinking about my part in it: How can I participate in this?

The first verse of the reading gets my attention because of the many times “if any” is noted. Look where this phrase shows up — it precedes the experiences listed of “encouragement from being united with Christ”, “comfort from His love”, “common sharing in the Spirit” and “tenderness and compassion”. The words “if any” reflect a continuum that could scale from the smallest to the largest experiences of these, but it says “if any”, so, if any (or more) of these are part of our experience of God and faith at even a tiny level, it seems we are to be aware of our contribution to joy in community life. However, I find it interesting that the areas of experience noted are likely personal experiences from a relationship with Jesus. From my personal space of “if any”, I can offer something into the completion of joy by “being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind”.

How does joy show up for you? I value joy as I think it has a quality of endurance, so I am still aware of the presence of joy (and the strength that can come from it), even during difficulty. It is not happiness, as this is more “a high” that is short-lived and transient. Joy is noted as the second fruit of the Spirit — I observe that the presence of joy in personal and relational life is welcomed.

I hope for more experiences of joy in my own journey with God. And from this, I hope to offer what I can to the making of joy, made complete, for the communities of which I am part.


Lord, I thank You for the joy You have given me out of Your mercy and grace, and for the joy I have when connected to my family in the faith. Let my joy be a part of that community, and let help to offer hope to those who need it most.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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