Devotion for December 14, 2024

“For He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant.” (Luke 1:48a)

This is a beautiful reading. Verse 47 starts with Mary speaking and saying, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour”. This then leads into the text of our reflection: “For He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant …”. I’m curious about what had previously happened for Mary to end up aware that God had been mindful of her humble state.

If you read Luke 1 from the beginning, wondrous events are recorded. But the events concerning Mary are extreme — to name a few, this young woman is visited, at God’s direction, by the Archangel Gabriel, who greets her as one “highly favoured” and caringly informs her of her forthcoming role in the history of the world. Mary is the one chosen to conceive by the Holy Spirit, carry, bear and raise this child who will be great and called the Son of the Most High (Luke 1:28–32), whose purpose is to enable reconciliation between God and humankind by His life, death, and resurrection, all because of God’s incomparable grace and love for us. Hmm, I can’t really get my mind around how Mary managed the overwhelm of this situation. I find it remarkable that she could reply at all, let alone as she does in verse 38.

As you read Luke 1, before today’s devotional verses, you will see that Mary visits Elizabeth — it is in this space where Mary says, “My soul glorifies the Lord …”. I wonder if the human condition would have made it easy for Mary to become conceited, considering the role she had been chosen by God to undertake. Her words don’t reflect that, though. Mary’s words make me feel a sense of the connectedness to the relationship she shared with God — that she was completely known and wholly loved. In the safety of this space with God, she could express her experience that God had been mindful of her — a young woman who, compared to God, could only consider herself in a humble state. It seems Mary had a solid grasp on who God was and who she was, yet Mary seems to rest in that space. To me, that appears precious and prized — glimpsing God’s fullness and knowing herself, hence sincerely saying words from her heart, “He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant”. Oh, to have a heart like Mary’s!


Lord, You know about us all here on Earth, and while sinful and rebellious, You sent Your Son to save us from our sins. May we always be aware of You and the love, mercy and grace You have given us. May we always live in Your presence!

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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