Devotion for December 15, 2024

“May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from His glorious power, so that you may have all endurance and patience.” (Colossians 1:11)

To think about Jesus’ birth is to think of the power God gave up to enter into time and space. This is God’s glorious power: He rescinded power in order to know what it means to be human, so He could be “born of a woman” and suffer like each and every human as one who is (relatively) “powerless”. This is the glorious power that Paul speaks of, the power to join creation in being limited.

Now, that is some power! And, at Christmas time, we recall that God used the power to give up being God so that He could climb into human skin. This is what happens at Christmas; we celebrate God giving up “being God” so that He could be human, like you and me.

And that’s the same power that Paul says we can draw upon to live as new people: People who can love and serve the world just as Jesus did; in fact, people through whom Jesus continues to love and serve the world.

Do you know that glorious power that Jesus gave up to become human? That is the same power you and I receive to live as redeemed people, as we live with the power to forgive others, to love the unlovable and care for the little, the least, the lost and the last.

What a glorious power that we are made strong by and with. May you continue to ponder the depths of Christmas as Jesus’ glorious power works its way in and through you.


Father, as a sinful human being, I have no power to save myself from eternal death. I thank You for Your power, Your mercy and grace, that allows me to live a redeemed life and reach out to others who are in need of help by and through Your love.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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