Devotion for December 20, 2020

“The Lord himself will give you the sign. Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel” (which means ‘God is with us’).” (Isaiah 7:14)

In light of a busy world Jesus invades humanity with a God-sized announcement. You could focus on so many things of this promise verse of the coming savior. You could look at the power of the immaculate conception. You could hone in on the God who wants to be found by giving seekers a sign. In this chaotic world Jesus is given a new name. He is given the name Immanuel which means God is with Us.

Here’s where I would settle my heart upon during advent; that Jesus is God with us. He invaded a broken world. A world that deserved judgement and rebuke. And what does God provide? He provides Himself.

I would hope in the midst of the chaos of this fractured world you could settle in your heart that Jesus is God’s answer to you and me. Our only response, and our ultimate response, is to worship the God who is with us. He’s not afraid of our brokenness. We are not so messy that the Master doesn’t want to commune with us. He comes to us as the God who will and can help us get back to right standing.

Jesus, thank you for loving us enough to humble yourself and identify with us. Thank you for being with us and giving us a path back to God through your sacrifice!

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike

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