Devotion for December 5, 2024

“I, the Lord, will give Abraham what I promised him.” (Genesis 18:19c)

What had the Lord promised Abraham? If you read his whole story, which begins in Genesis 12, you’ll see that God had promised Abraham many things of various kinds! Land, fame, many children, a great nation, protection, blessings and now, in his old age (as we read yesterday), way past child-bearing, a son.

Perhaps that is why Abraham thought he could bargain really hard with God! He had been blessed. He knew God was on his side.

Think over your life. How have you been blessed? Share those blessings with someone today. I have no doubt that many of you (if not all) can also recall difficult times when it seemed like God was not present. Don’t hide or deny them. But for today, think about the blessings you have received. Your list might include any of the following: Food to eat, a house to live in, health, overseas trips, tours of the outback, friendships, abilities of various kinds, a church family or recognition.

Some of you may recall many blessings; others may struggle to recall too many. That’s okay. Whatever blessings you have received, also consider what you have done with them. None of us is perfect, so this is not meant to be a guilt trip. Rather, I hope it might be an encouragement: To see that what you have been blessed with has blessed others, too.

That is a common theme in Abraham’s story. Yes, I — God — will give what I have promised, but all of it is to bring blessings to other people. “The people on earth will be blessed through you” (Genesis 12:3b); “… all nations on earth will be blessed through him” (Genesis 18:18b).

You may not have been blessed as Abraham was. But you have been blessed — in big or small ways. Have you recalled those blessings yet? As you do, think about how you have — or can — use these blessings to bless other people. That way, you join the long line of Abraham’s descendants who bring blessings to all on earth.


Thank you, God of Abraham, that you are also the living and present God of my life. Thank you for the blessings you have given me. [Say them out loud.] May I use these blessings to bring blessings to those around me. Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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