Devotion for February 10, 2023

“In all this Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.” (Job 1:22)

To be perplexed means to not have understanding. Think of Job. What was God’s commendation? He told Satan that there was none like Job on the earth. He was blameless, upright, feared God, and shunned evil.

Job was a man with heart integrity. Like a set of dominos, one chaotic event followed another in his life. Job’s response was to fall to the ground and worship. What a portrait! At one point in his severe trial, he cried out, wishing that his words were inscribed in a book.

We read about Job’s tragedies as spectators, but he lived them moment by moment. Job had no clue — it was a perplexing trial for him. All through his account we catch glimpses of how the Lord revealed himself to Job in ways he never knew him before.

So, it is with our lives. He reveals himself to us through his Word. It is our daily manna provision. It sustains and empowers us to endure all our trials. His Word is a healing balm for weary hearts, and a steel-cable-like strength that undergirds us.

We are in a new year. Yesterday, and all the days and years behind that, have passed. We cannot change them or alter what happened. Our flesh does cartwheels and flips trying to figure perplexing things out. A trusting heart rests in God’s faithfulness.

Here is an acrostic for “TRUST” in God:


Throughout the day: As you face different trials today, you may find it difficult to trust God. Bring that tension to him and ask him to make something beautiful out of your difficult circumstances. He will deliver and he will provide you the grace you need to get through it.


Lord, be with me through my day, and strengthen my faith and trust in You. You have given everything to us, and You have provided the means to save us from our sin. We thank you for Your gifts, this day and always! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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