Devotion for February 23, 2023

“Continue to live your lives in [Christ Jesus], rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” (Colossians 2:6-7)

At this time of year, our yard is barren and the plants seemingly have no life in them. They stand leafless and barren. I think ahead to when the first blossoms will appear in spring — and the flowers that will follow for butterflies, honey bees, and hummingbirds. It’s wonderful, though, that even as I pass judgment on the trees in winter, there is still life inside.

Maybe you have read (or heard of) the book by Brother Lawrence called The Practice of the Presence of God. Don’t let the size of the book fool you. Though small in its number of pages, it is rich in wisdom.

Brother Lawrence, a friar who is one of my heroes, came to realize that wherever he was, it was a good place to connect with God, for God is everywhere. Because of God’s presence, even places where Lawrence had felt empty and worthless became rich with a sense of belonging. His place in the monastery where he lived was the kitchen. There he learned to cook meals, do dishes, and run errands with God. What seemed a lowly position to others became a retreat and a haven of relationship with God. The kitchen became Lawrence’s sanctuary, where he worshiped in spirit and in truth. A true servant of Jesus in any situation. Where is your sanctuary?


Lord, You made everything in the world for our use. Let me see You in everything so that I know no matter where I am, or in what situation, You are always with me, guiding and protecting me. Allow me to always see the beauty of Your creation! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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