Devotion for February 26, 2025

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1, NIV)

God wants you to live a life of freedom. He wants you to break free from the habits that control you and drag you down. He wants you to live without the pain and hurt that holds you captive to the past. He wants you to breathe in the fresh air of freedom that God provides through Christ.

This freedom is based on choosing hope — choosing to believe that God exists, that you matter to Him, and that He has the power to help you change and set you free.

But God’s path to freedom is very different from ours. We often think freedom comes through escape. We try to find comfort and hope as quickly as possible — avoiding the process God uses to bring true healing.

For some, escape means alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, shopping, food, or even work. Even self-pity can become an escape, pulling us into dark places where we think we’ll find relief.

But these temporary escapes only provide momentary relief. In the end, they leave us empty — or even addicted.

God’s path to freedom requires that we face our faults, our hurts, or the habits that control us. In fact, God wants us to mourn these things. Mourning means you admit what you’ve lost and what you’ve messed up. It means you stop pretending you can escape your way into freedom and admit that this world cannot provide you with real and lasting freedom. Only God can.

The moment you admit and mourn these things, God can bring you real comfort and strength. And that will lead to freedom as God transforms your life. Matthew 5:4 says: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (NIV).

Here’s the truth: It is an illusion to think you can escape into a comfortable life that will lead to freedom. You can only get there through God — by admitting you’re lost and facing what is true and real so God can meet you there.


Consider this prayer: “Lord, help me accept that my only hope for freedom comes through You. Help me to stop escaping and start trusting You. Help me to see that You are the only path to freedom and hope. Amen.”

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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