Devotion for January 21, 2023

“And from that time on Saul kept a jealous eye on David.” (1 Samuel 18:9)

One of the truest tests of leadership in life, marriage, career, relationships is how you respond to somebody else’s success. Do you rejoice, or secretly resent them? Do you feel like their blessing somehow came at your expense? King Saul sent David out to fight Goliath. When he succeeded and the Israelites began to sing David’s praises, Saul couldn’t handle it. “From that time on Saul kept a jealous eye on David.” Leaders who lack confidence are a danger to themselves, their followers, and the groups they lead. That’s because leadership doesn’t camouflage your flaws; it puts them on display. Whatever negative baggage you’re carrying grows heavier when you attempt to lead others. Insecure leaders generally have four common traits:

  1. They don’t provide security for others. To be a good leader, you must make your followers feel good about themselves. Honor them. Reward them. Promote them.
  2. They take more than they give. Insecure leaders are on a continual search for validation, acknowledgement, and love. And because of that, their focus is on obtaining personal security, not instilling it in others.
  3. They continually limit their best people. Insecure leaders don’t see their best people as co-workers; they see them as potential competitors who might rise up through the ranks and threaten their position. Such leaders generally find ways to take the credit for work that was done by others.
  4. They continually limit their organization. When followers are undermined and go unrecognized, they become disheartened and eventually stop performing to their potential. When that occurs, the whole organization suffers.


Lord, as You constantly strengthen and guide me, let me do the same for those around me. Help me to see their gifts and encourage them to use them in Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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