Devotion for January 21, 2025

“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4, NIV)

To live with hope no matter what happens in life, you first have to anchor your identity in what God says about you. Then you have to anchor your life mission in God’s Word.

God has never made anything without a purpose. You know I’ve said this plenty of times! Every rock has a purpose. Every plant has a purpose. Every animal has a purpose. If you’re breathing, then God has a purpose for your life.

There are five purposes for your life, and the fifth one is that you were made for the mission. You were made to help other people go to heaven with you.

You’re going to go to heaven because somebody told you about what God has done for you. Who have you told? Whether you’re a scientist or a singer or a politician or a doctor or a student, the greatest accomplishment you can make with your life is to do something that will outlast your life. Your mission is to help people settle their eternal destiny.

There’s only one way you’re ever going to complete your life mission and the purpose God put you here on earth for. You’re going to have to pay more attention to God’s Word than you do to the world. You have to give more of your life and your time and your focus to studying and knowing God’s Word, the Bible, than you do to anything else in the world.

In other words, you’re going to have to spend a lot less time on Facebook and more time with your face in God’s book. God didn’t put you here to live for yourself. He put you here to get to know him, experience his love, and do the life mission he has planned for you.

Romans 15:4 says, “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide we might have hope” (NIV).

If you’re serious about not wasting your life and fulfilling your purpose, then you need to ask yourself: What do you read the most — social media or God’s Word? What do you listen to the most? What do you talk about the most? What do you give most of your attention and focus to?

When the answer is God’s Word, you’ll have everything you need to do what God created you to do.

  • Compare the time you spend on social media or your phone with the amount of time you spend studying God’s Word. What does it reveal about how serious you are about God’s mission for you?
  • Do you believe God has a mission for you in the world? Why or why not?
  • Who can you share the gospel with today? Why is it important that you don’t put it off?


Lord, my hope in this life is based on Your promises to Your children and the gift of salvation through Your Son, Jesus. Give me the opportunity to touch someone’s life today so that I can pass on the hope in Your gifts.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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