Devotion for January 31, 2024

“Jesus said to him, ‘Go; your faith has made you well’. Immediately he regained his sight and followed him on the way.” (Mark 10:52)

I wonder what Bartimaeus used to think about on the side of the road before he met Jesus. It appears that there was a time when he could see. Did he compare the life he once had with his present circumstances, where he had to rely on the mercy of strangers for his survival? Was there any hope for his future, for him to break out of the darkness that imprisoned him?

While he was blind, he wasn’t deaf. Word of Jesus had reached his ears. Stories of his healing, stories of his teaching, stories of hope. What did that mean for Bartimaeus? Was his heart now filled with hope? Hope that one day Jesus would pass his way, hope that Jesus would notice him, hope that Jesus would actually really “see” him?

Then the day arrived. Ignoring those who tried to silence him, he called for Jesus loudly and repeatedly. And Jesus noticed him. Jesus “saw” him and his faith. Bartimaeus leapt up and came to Jesus. And Jesus restored his sight.

What did Bartimaeus do next? He had received what he had hoped for. He could have run off to share the good news with relatives. He could have taken time just to absorb the change that had just taken place and taken in the sights that surrounded him and the sights he had missed for so long. But no, he followed Jesus. Bartimaeus’ eyes were truly opened. I wonder what else Bartimaeus saw in the days that followed?


Dear Lord God, thank you for your gifts … I often take them for granted. You are the gift giver. Help me to keep my eyes on you. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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