Devotion for January 5, 2024

“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation.” (Psalm 95:1)

This week, we’ve been reminded that while we’re called to faithfully bear witness to God’s love and salvation, it’s not about us. Thinking backwards through the week, we’ve considered the following:

  1. The signs of the kingdom that occur are not our doing but Jesus at work through his word.
  2. We needn’t be alarmed by any signs of life or death or resurrection in God’s church.
  3. Sometimes, we bear the most significant witness, not so much by doing something as by refusing to go with the flow of negativity.
  4. Sometimes, the least likely people are the ones who proclaim the gospel to us (like the Roman centurion).
  5. Jesus knows about the fear, shame, and anger we project onto others and willingly takes it on himself.
  6. The world’s generosity is often about, “what do I get out of it?” Jesus’ generosity toward each of us is shared for use in this world, and leads us out of this world!

What more needs to be said? The psalmist refers to the Lord as our rock and us as the “people of his pasture, the flock under his care” (verse 7a).

Is there one of these truths above that you might carry with you as you walk through the Epiphany season? What do you need at this time from Jesus, the rock of our salvation and our kind, loving shepherd?


Father, I thank You for the gift of Your Son, who takes away my sin. Let my life show others the love and mercy You give me each and every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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