Devotion for January 7, 2021

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” (Matthew 25:40)

We’re moving forward in this new year and it continues to be a time to look ahead and ask ourselves, “What are we hoping for in the coming year? What are our dreams and aspirations? What will we do with our lives? Will we make a difference in this world? Will we be successful?”

Some are hoping to graduate this year. Others are looking for a promotion. Still others are hoping for healing. Many are hoping to make a new start in life. And all of us are hoping for a good year ahead.

Whatever our hopes or resolutions remain for the new year, let’s take a few moments to ask ourselves, “What will we do for people who are down and out?” How do we plan to imitate our Lord in reaching out to people who are outcasts, who need help, encouragement, and a new start? Will we take the words of our Savior seriously as he tells us that anything we do for people such as these, we are doing for him? Do you really NEED the stimulus checks? If not, maybe you can send it to Meals on Wheels, or your local food bank, or some other place to assist people in greater needs. What a great gospel witness. This may be the Epiphany of God’s glory into the life of another.

Lord Jesus, fill us with compassion for people who are least in the eyes of this world. Open our eyes to the needs of the people around us. Amen.

Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike

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