Devotion for July 11, 2022

“But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for a helmet, the hope of salvation.” (1 Thessalonians 5:8)

For those of us who are “of the day”, there is a requirement of diligence. We must realize that we have an enemy, and we are constantly bombarded with his lies. Satan will offer whatever it takes to distract our attention from the voice of the Spirit. Soldiers don’t enter a battle totally naked, yet Christians enter the world unprepared every day … Vigilance, prayer, and spiritual insight are critical to victorious Christian living! As the Lord’s servants, we must remember that we are His “hands and feet” on the earth, and that makes us a target of Satan.

The breastplate of faith and love is critical for our daily living. Satan knows that if he can wound our hearts, we will need months, and sometimes even years to recover. How often do we relive painful moments, and repeatedly endure the searing pain we experienced when we were first wounded? By guarding our hearts with God’s impenetrable breastplate of faith and love, we are protected against Satan’s lies. We must be convinced that since God is for us, then no one can be against us, and that in Him alone lies our past, present, and future! God’s unconditional love for each of us secures our position in Christ Jesus, which allows us to access His amazing grace. Our names are recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and NO ONE can remove them! “Hear that Satan?”

The helmet of salvation helps us to remember that we are in the world, but not of the world. Because the Holy Spirit lives in us, we live life on a spiritual level. We see what the world cannot see, and we hear what the world cannot hear. Protected by this “holy helmet”, our eyes and ears are focused on the Father, and our minds are renewed to the things of the Spirit. With the Holy Spirit’s help, we can hear the cry of a broken heart, and see the hopelessness in the eyes of an unbeliever. As the Lord’s servants, we must remember that we are His “hands and feet” on the earth, and that makes us a target of Satan. But when we wear God’s armor, we are protected from the enemy’s attacks.


Finally, Lord, help me be strong in You and in Your mighty power. Help me put on Your full armor, so that I can take your stand against the devil’s worldly schemes. Amen. (Cf. Ephesians 6:10-11)

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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