Devotion for July 12, 2024

“But in the account of the burning bush, even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’. He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to Him all are alive.” (Luke 20:37,38)

Numerous times I have been asked what lies beyond the grave. With the popularity of celebrity and scientific atheists, declaring that we just cease to exist when we die, and all we are is somebody’s memory until we fade away completely, so many people are confused about life after death. How can a life that is so rich and full of thoughts and emotions just stop? It doesn’t seem right, and it certainly doesn’t sit well in our souls.

When asked, Jesus addresses this question directly with some extraordinary good news. Jesus states in the clearest possible terms that we will continue to live beyond the grave. He uses the well-known expression of the resurrection and all the hope that is encapsulated in that. All the things that make us human, all the things that are the image of God, survive when our physical bodies cease to operate.

Jesus goes even further when He answers the question about the resurrection. He confirms that our new bodies will be of a different and eternal substance that won’t degrade ever again. In this way, physical pain and the scars that it leaves will not travel beyond death. God’s gift of life is pain-free. We will have a body so we can be recognized and connect with others; however, our relationships will be perfect with everyone else, so there won’t be the pain of rejection and jealousy. Our new life will be love realized without the stain of sin. Our new life beyond the grave will be a beautiful communion with God and each other.


Lord, we look forward to our life with You when we pass away and leave this Earth. Be with us and guide us so that what we do while we are still here reflects only glory on Your Name. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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