Devotion for July 18, 2024

“Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:31)

Can you identify with this imaginary person? “One of the most helpful innovations in the past decade for me has been navigation in my car with speed sign recognition. I am one of those drivers who drift off into their own world with the music playing while driving. In the past, I have been known to incur a speed camera fine or two as the speed limit changes, and I miss the sign. Now, the speed limit indicator on my screen changes to bright red if I am over the limit, and I can adjust my driving right away when things change. I am much more content, and I avoid nasty surprises in the mail.”

What kinds of adjustments do we need to make each day? Jesus asks us to be alert to the signs around us as we travel through life. I often find myself going through the regular routines I know by heart without stopping to see where God is at work. We know we’re busy with packed schedules, so our lives are just one big list of tasks to get done. It’s just like driving on a well-known road without much engagement. In this situation, we miss out on so much that God wants to bless us with. Our God is never absent from the world; we teach that the Father is constantly creating the world and His kingdom.

What joy and purpose we receive when we see what God is doing all around us and accept His invitation to join Him! I know from my own experience that I can get frustrated when I am caught up in what I am doing and expecting my plans to work out. I also know I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I tailor what I am doing to God’s action. Opportunities arise and blessings flow. It all starts with eyes open for the signs of God’s kingdom.

So, maybe our days, in these times, should begin with saying:


Lord Jesus, we thank you for coming to earth and entering the lives of your creation. We thank you for our salvation. Give us eyes of faith to see Your kingdom. Give us willing hearts to join in Your work. Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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