Devotion for July 4, 2024

“But [the expert in the law] wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, ‘Who then is my neighbour?’” (Luke 10:29)

Read Luke 10:25–37 for full story.

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The expert asks a masterful question; the Master responds expertly. This scenario is pure Jesus and a masterclass on engaging with people about faith.

  1. Jesus returns the expert’s serve with a question. Instead of answering and closing the book on the question, Jesus invites the expert into a conversation and relationship. That’s what questions do. “What does the Law say? How do you read it?” (verse 26)
  2. Jesus acknowledges the expert’s opinion (verse 28). Jesus doesn’t shut him down even when the expert tries to justify himself. When we acknowledge different opinions, even if we don’t agree with them, we build a bridge for continued relationships.
  3. Jesus invites the expert into a story (verses 30–37). It would have been quite simple for Jesus to humiliate the expert’s racism, superiority and arrogance, but instead, Jesus told a story to help the expert draw the right conclusions. As I read the end of the story, I don’t get a sense that the expert went away angry, offended, or ready to retaliate on social media. It feels like he leaves to chew on what he has been taught.

Perhaps the question for us is, are we prepared to ask questions of those whose opinions differ? Are we willing to hear the thoughts and ideas of others? Are we willing to invite people into the story of faith using everyday symbols that allow others to draw their own conclusions?


Lord, give me the wisdom to invite others into conversations about You and the love You have shown us. Lead me to be thoughtful, respectful, and loving to really hear what others say without judging them or putting them down. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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