Devotion for June 11, 2024

“At the time of the banquet he sent his servant to tell those who had been invited, ‘Come, for everything is ready.’” (Luke 14:17)

In preparing for an event many of us would rely on a checklist to make sure that nothing is forgotten. However, we cannot achieve perfection as we are not in control of all circumstances — sudden changes to attendees, quality of venue or food, weather, etc. There would always be a qualification as to whether “everything” was ready.

Some of the most amazing words spoken by Jesus when on the cross on that first Good Friday, were, “It is finished”. When facing the end of our days, how many of us would be able to say the same of any event or our life — that all we were required to do had been achieved, completed?

For us, being mortal, we are not in control of our lives or made aware of all that we could or should accomplish while here on earth. We are bound and limited by our humanity.

It is only God who knows the completeness of things and so these words of Jesus on the cross speak again that this was not just a man being crucified, but the Son of God. All that was required to atone for our sins was made complete on the cross and Jesus’ rising from the dead on the third day, Easter morning.

So, it should not be a surprise when we meet with Jesus at the Lord’s supper that the words we hear after the elements have been consecrated, “Come, for everything is ready”.

Everything has been completed that enables us to meet with Jesus at the altar as he comes to us in the bread and wine and we witness God’s grace in this act. There is nothing required of us but to “come”. God has made it all possible and we are invited to partake of the feast of victory.


Father, may we humbly come and accept your invitation of saving grace as you have made all things right with you. May we also be a witness to others and invite those who do not yet know you, to be fellow invitees to the feast of victory over sin and death, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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