Devotion for June 19, 2024

For the people in the days of Jesus and even in Old Testament times, big bodies of water held a connection to the dark and demonic.

Unknown creatures, unforeseen forces of nature and weather and the unfathomable depths of the sea contributed to this. But God is Lord over all forces and chaos and puts light and order into the dark and demonic. Some psalms talk about a great sea monster, Leviathan, who is lurking in the deep (Psalm 74:13,14; Psalm 104:26), yet the Lord God is mightier and stronger than this perceived threat.

When Jesus crosses the Sea of Galilee with His disciples in the boat, His rebuke of the winds and the waves not only calms the storm and settles the nerves of those with Him; Jesus displays His power over the demonic forces of darkness in a similar way to when He is driving out demons. Our God is mightier than anything. The surging waves, the thundering wind and even the demonic forces of hell bow to His sovereignty.

For us, as followers of Jesus, to know that Jesus is in the boat of life with us and calms the storms swirling all around is comforting to the highest degree — we know Jesus as our gracious, compassionate and loving Servant King, and also as our mighty and sovereign Lord and King over all things. Jesus is truly our stronghold and our fortress. When we stay close to Him, we have nothing to fear.

What unsettles you or makes you anxious at the moment? Hand it over to your God, who is mightier than anything.


Lord, I ask that You strengthen and guide me when the storms of life threaten to force me from the path You have set for me. Be with me in all things and grant me Your divine mercy for the times I fail. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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