Devotion for May 5, 2024

“Who do you say I am?” (Luke 9:20a)

The disciples were an interesting lot! They take Jesus at His word and heal people everywhere (verse 6); they return and tell Jesus everything they have done (verse 10), presumably excitedly; then, after Jesus welcomes all the people who found Him, they tell Jesus to send the people away (verse 12). And finally, even though there have been miracles, when Jesus encourages them to share the sparse amount of food they have, they say we don’t have enough!

Faith to move mountains! Hardly any faith at all!

Are you like that? Am I? Sometimes, I think I can change the world with God’s help. Other times, what is happening in the world drives me to despair. There is an increasing moral degeneration in schools, movies, society, politics, and churches. This is all prophesied by Jesus as the time for His return grows closer. And yet, I suspect you may have mountain-top — and then valley experiences — as well. Our role is to pray God into all these life changing situations, and then as christians look like Jesus, and sound like Jesus to offer a way of hope.

What if Jesus asks you: Who do you say I am? What would your answer be? Would you answer correctly, as Peter did (but not really understanding what your answer means)?

In reality, that’s life. We can confess Jesus in our own words or using the creeds of the church. We can even mean the words sincerely. But then life happens, and we contradict our words with our speech and actions. Or our words lose meaning as we struggle with life’s complexities.

The good thing is Jesus’ words are consistent and true. They are full of love and compassion and grace and forgiveness. They are backed up by the way He lived, treated all people with love, died and then rose again.

Jesus is the one who lived, died and rose again so that even if my actions don’t back up my words of confession, he allows me to start again. He is indeed the Christ. Because of that, you — and I — have life.


Lord, I thank You for being there when I have to start again. I am a sinner, and I need Your love and mercy each and every day. Help me to be Your child and lead me on my path to be with You in eternity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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