Devotion for May 8, 2022

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.” (Psalm 30:11,12)

Psalm 30 provides a beautiful picture of the God who spared the author of the psalm from falling into a pit and healed and restored them. It is an honest picture of the ups and downs of life and a relationship that withstands both the positives and negatives. And the author recognises God’s actions in bringing them out of the difficulties of life.

In our society, where the “self-made person” is revered and individualism is prized, what a refreshing picture of life in relationship with our loving creator. May you be blessed with the vision to recognise God’s hand in your circumstances and give praise and thanks to the One whose anger lasts only a moment but whose favour lasts a lifetime. It is God through Christ who rehabilitates, restores, renews, refreshes our lives daily through his Word of Life.


Dear Lord, when things are good, help me praise and acknowledge you. When things are bad, help me be honest and turn to you with confidence that you will be with me. I place myself in your hands. Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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