“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)
The psalmist sings a hymn of praise to God for his precious word. God’s Word is described as perfect law, trustworthy statutes, right precepts, pure commandments, firm and righteous decrees, and true and righteous promises. It is the truth, something we can trust and know that through it, God has revealed Himself in His fullness as our loving and saving God and has revealed to us His good and gracious will for our lives and the world He has created.
In our devotions this week, we have seen many ways that God’s Word works in our lives. The Word tells us about Christ and His servant-act of salvation for our sakes. We know that when we boldly proclaim this word of salvation, we will cause some to turn away. But we are encouraged to continue to bring the word of salvation into a world that desperately needs to hear it. We have read about God’s powerful, creative Word, which has made us His children in baptism and strengthens us through the sacrament and reading the Bible daily. We have seen the devastating consequences of allowing Satan to undermine God’s Word. We hear both God’s word of judgement and forgiveness when we sin.
In trying to show how precious the Word is, the psalmist compares it to gold and the sweetness of honey. One can’t help but be reminded of Jesus’ parables about the pearl of great price or the treasure found in the field. The Word teaches us that to be a member of the kingdom of God is His greatest treasure and gift. How blessed we are to have become members through the Word and water of baptism.
As we immerse ourselves in God’s Word and treasure it, this makes a profound difference in our lives. Whatever our circumstances are, with the help of the Holy Spirit, God’s Word refreshes the soul, makes wise the simple and gives joy to the heart and light to the eyes. It also has a sobering task as it shows us our hidden faults and guards and warns us against committing willful sins so that, through repentance, we are made innocent, blameless and forgiven.
Lord, I rejoice in the joy and salvation brought into my life by Your Word. “May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14)
Stay encouraged!
Pastor Mike