Devotion for November 27, 2022

“Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the Lord. Let us lift up our hearts as well as our hands to God in heaven.” (Lamentations 3:40-41)

God’s people know that all things are under God’s rule, and whatever happens in our world (and our lives) happens because God permits it. This does not mean it is easy to bear suffering, or we should simply keep our mouths shut and take whatever hardship we face without any words of lament. In fact, God gives us His word so that we may take our cares to Him, knowing that when we do so, we speak with the voice of His faithful people, and he will hear us in His grace and mercy.

In the Book of Lamentations, the prophet pours out his lament over the destruction of Jerusalem and his intense suffering at the hands of his enemies. More than this, the prophet also acknowledges that his own sin and the sins of the people have led to punishment from God.

But this does not lead to despair, but hope. God allows His people to suffer in this world, including the suffering that comes from our own foolish and sinful thoughts, words and actions. But God gives us His name so that we may call on Him in our need and receive the forgiveness and healing only He can provide.

The name “Jesus” means “the Lord saves”. Our Lord Jesus bore the punishment for our sins, taking on Himself the suffering and abandonment we could not stand. Jesus’ love for us is stronger than death, and His life gives us hope so that we may take our lament to God, knowing He will save us as we call on Him.

Have the courage to pour out your lament to God and confess when you have sinned. Put your trust in the Lord Jesus, who saves you from sin, death and hell.


Lord, I trust in Your promises to forgive me when I confess my sins to You, and I place my hope in the eternal life You offer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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