Devotion for November 27, 2024

“Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:6)

The Lord makes a promise to Abram (Abraham), a covenant, that the number of Abram’s descendants will be greater than all the stars in heaven. And for the first time on hearing God speak to him, we read that Abram now affirmed his belief in the Lord and His promises and “God credited it to him as righteousness”. Abram’s belief — his faith — made him right with God, not any of the actions and tasks of obedience on his journey.

In Romans 4:2–4, we read: “If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about — but not before God.” What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”

Further, in Galatians 3:6-7, we see the consistency of this message and the impact of Abraham’s belief: “So also Abraham ‘believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness’.” Understand then that those who have faith are children of Abraham.

Abraham had received visions from God, heard His voice and obeyed His commands. But it was none of these that made him right with God — that took his belief, his faith.

The same promise given to Abraham is also given to us through Jesus. In Mark 16:15-16, we read, “He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned’.”

This is the promise to us that, through our faith, we will be saved and justified before God. But is this something we can do on our own? No. It is the Holy Spirit who brings us to faith, and it is God’s grace that receives us and has mercy on us.

As we dwell in a community of fellow believers, we recognize and accept each other as persons God has made right with Him through faith. We are family, the children of God through the gift of baptism and faith.

And what is our response to this wondrous gift? We respond with love and service to our neighbor, not for any reward or merit, but as a demonstration of our thankfulness and in praise.


Lord, I thank You for the mercy and grace You grant me as Your child in the faith. May I use that faith and love to reach out to others around me, teaching them about the saving grace and love You alone can provide.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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