Devotion for October 1, 2022

“On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords.” (Revelation 19:16)

Let this be your reminder today that Jesus is sovereign over everything. Every earthly king, queen, prime minister, president, dictator and politician will bow down before Jesus and acknowledge his rule and reign. Anyone with any worldly power — imagine the most powerful person you can — will pale in comparison to the power and glory of Jesus. Everything and everyone is under his authority.

We don’t have many examples of good earthly kings. Even the best of them isn’t perfect. They all ultimately pursue their own interests. Their power and rule are limited and scarred by sin. This is not so with King Jesus. Not only is Jesus the most powerful and exalted, but he is also the kindest and most loving king. He uses his sovereign power to care for those who love him and draw in those who don’t yet love him.

As a Christian, or “Christ One”, this is good news for you. This means that your life — your family, work, future, finances, community, joys and sorrows — is all under the watchful care of King Jesus. You can easily relinquish your troubles and heaviness into his hands. There is nothing too big or too small for him to help you with. It is freeing to be able to think, “This is above my pay grade!” and surrender people, issues and circumstances to the King of kings and Lord of lords.


Jesus, I release my life and everything that I have to Your care. Grant me Your peace to make it so! Amen!

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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