Devotion for October 14, 2023

“On the day I called, you answered me, you increased my strength of soul.” (Psalm 138:3)

Do you find it easy to pray? There are times when praying seems to come effortlessly. Often, it seems to be more like hard work. If you find it difficult sometimes, don’t be surprised because the devil is doing all he can to prevent you from calling on God’s name in every trouble, praying, praising, and giving thanks. When we stop listening or reading God’s word, the conversation between God and us dries up and praying becomes even more difficult.

Psalm 138 is attributed to King David. We are given an opportunity to listen in on a conversation between David and God. David thanks God with his whole heart. There is no chasing after false gods or idols. Whatever praise is to be sung, David gives it to God alone.

The reason for David’s thanks starts with God’s dwelling place on earth, his temple. Here, God connects with his people, receiving their offerings and giving blessings. Through all of the highs and lows of God’s people, lived out in the highs and lows of King David, the Lord has proven his steadfast love and faithfulness.

We may neglect going to church from time to time. We may be fickle in loving God wholeheartedly. We may be tempted to put our trust in our jobs, families or bank accounts, but through it all, God remains faithful towards us.

There were many times King David got into all sorts of trouble. Sometimes it was through the evil intentions of others; often, it seemed to be David’s own doing. The truly saving grace for David is that whenever he got into trouble, he called upon the name of the Lord as a first response, not a last resort.

Whether you are going through a time of great blessing or tremendous trials, be quick to give thanks to God or ask him for the help you need or the help you ask for those around you. God will answer your prayers. Through such an ongoing connection with God, your soul will be strengthened, and your faith in Christ alone will be increased.


Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I have been slow to call upon your name. Bless and equip me as I look to serve others. Provide for those whom I know to be in need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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