Devotion for October 2, 2021

“All the nations you made will come and bow before you, Lord; they will praise your holy name. For you are great and perform wonderful deeds. You alone are God.” (Psalm 86:9-10, NLT)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel believed in the importance of history. This German philosopher, born on this day in 1770, sought to create a philosophical system so comprehensive that it would answer every question.

Hegel believed that everything constantly changes, driven by the dialectic process. In his process, there was a thesis that led to a reaction (an antithesis), which produced a synthesis, which became a new thesis. He believed that this was an endless process that applied to every part of life.

Rejecting the concept of absolute truth, he felt that everything continues to evolve. For Hegel, there was no absolute right or wrong; these were matters for individuals to decide.

His ideas gained momentum throughout the 19th century, influencing the development of communism and the theory of evolution. His ideas helped develop the concept of relativism and shape attitudes that are prevalent today in science, politics, business, and education. His ideas still are influential. Many people still embrace the relativism that he championed – even some Christians.

Ask yourself to think about what you believe. Is history just an evolving process? Is there absolute truth? Do you really believe that the Bible is true, that God is the only source of truth, and that His standards are absolute?

Do not allow the relativism in the world to poison your heart and mind. Reaffirm your commitment to God and His Word. Walk in His truth! He alone is God.


Father, I declare that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Help me live according to Your Word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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