Devotion for October 2, 2024

“When Jesus heard this, He said, ‘It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick.’” (Matthew 9:12)

Basic human logic and common sense tells us that physically sick people need treatment from a doctor. Here Jesus simply answers the Pharisees’ cynical question with the plain statement that the spiritually sick also need treatment. It’s as if He said to the Jews, “If you’re really so spiritually healthy, you don’t need a spiritual physician. But if by their own confession, the sinners I’m eating with are the spiritually needy who must have the gospel presented, then that’s why I’m ministering to them. I’m the Great Physician who can bring spiritual healing — salvation — to those who recognize their desperate need.”

By analogy, no credible physician would spend all his or her time among healthy people and refuse to be with the sick. By implication, Jesus was asking the Pharisees if they — the self-proclaimed theological and religious “experts” who had all the answers for the unenlightened — were refusing to give them that medicine. This was an incredible indictment of the self-righteous, hard-hearted religionists.

The Pharisees were hypocrites who carefully fussed about the most minute matters of the law but neglected the bigger issues such as “justice and mercy and faithfulness” (Matthew 23:23). They loved themselves but hated others and revealed themselves to be without the compassion and mercy God’s law requires.

We have to ask, “How could the Pharisees resent the healing of those sinners God Himself desired to heal?” With such an attitude they proved themselves to be sickest of all — actually dead spiritually.

How are we guilty of spending an undue percentage of our time providing care and attention for the spiritually sound? What is this an indicator of? What can you do to avoid this imbalance in your church and personal life journey?


Lord, I thank You for my gift of salvation and for the love and mercy You give me each day. Lead me to reach out to those who have need of the same thing, those who are broken and dejected and are in need of these same gifts. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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