Devotion for October 20, 2023

“Be patient, resting your hearts on the ultimate certainty.” (James 5:8, PHILLIPS)

It can be hard today to tell what’s true and what isn’t. We get conflicting information from multiple sources. It seems like there are studies and experts, research and polls, that all contradict each other. When things seem uncertain, we can remain certain of this truth: God is in control.

The Bible says, “Brothers and sisters, be patient until the Lord comes again. See how farmers wait for their precious crops to grow. They wait patiently for fall and spring rains. You, too, must be patient. Don’t give up hope. The Lord will soon be here. Brothers and sisters, stop complaining about each other, or you will be condemned. Realize that the judge is standing at the door” (James 5:7-9, GW).

Why does James remind us several times in this passage that the Lord is coming back? Because it’s the ultimate proof that God is in control.

History is God’s story. It’s not circular. There is no circle of life. History is linear, and it’s moving to a climax. God has a plan. God has a purpose. And one day Jesus is going to return.

Everything is on schedule. We don’t know when he’s coming back, but the Bible talks more about Jesus’ second coming than it does about his first coming. That means it should change how we live our lives every day. We should be living with great expectation!

Although your situation may seem out of control and feel painful, nothing is beyond God’s control. Be patient. God’s timing is perfect. He’s never late. He is always in control.

The PHILLIPS paraphrase of James 5:8 says, “Be patient, resting your hearts on the ultimate certainty.”

What’s the ultimate certainty? Jesus is going to come back one day. And nothing can stop that. No person. No power. Knowing that all of history is under God’s control and that Jesus has promised to return should give you all the confidence you need in uncertain times.

When you feel like you can’t count on anything else, count on the truth: God’s got this. And Jesus will come back one day soon to make all things right and new.


Lord, increase my faith as we go through difficult times, looking forward to the day of redemption and the return of Your Son! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Stay encouraged!

Pastor Mike

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